Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This post is in response to Megan’s comments and her post below mostly (thanks for both Megan!). Hopefully it will answer the questions and help some of you. Side note: Anonymous, if you're reading this, thank you for the comment and if you'd be willing to email me, I have questions about adopting through foster care, my email address is at the bottom of this post, thanks!

I started off at an ob/gyn and was diagnosed with PCOS. I had sporadic periods throughout my life. Usually it would be two, three or four months between them. My doctor put me on metformin (a drug to regulate my insulin) and on clomid (a drug to make me ovulate). The clomid worked, I got pregnant but lost the baby at around eight weeks.

Almost a year went by before I was emotionally and physically ready to try again. I went back on clomid and ovulated a few times but didn’t get pregnant. I joined some online infertility groups and my husband and I went to see a Reproductive Endocrinologist*. She confirmed my diagnosis of PCOS, put me on metformin (and actually told me why I was taking it), and started testing. I had blood tests to check my hormones. I had ultrasounds to check my ovaries, they found a cyst, it was small and she said that’s pretty normal but she kept an eye on it. I had an HSG, basically what they do is push dye into your uterus and fallopian tubes and take x-rays to make sure they’re open and that they look normal. This is an uncomfortable procedure, make sure to take pain medication BEFORE going in for the procedure and schedule it for a time where you can go home and rest afterward. If possible, have someone else drive. Don’t forget, we’re not the only ones that are/should be tested. In our case, I thought it would be silly for my husband to be tested because I obviously had a problem. Our ob/gyn had tested him and while his results weren’t perfect, they weren’t horrible. And remember, we had gotten pregnant before. Well, the RE wanted to test him anyway so he had a semen analysis done.

Our RE called us to come in for the results of all our tests. We were excited, we were expecting to maybe have to take Clomid again and then it would happen just like last time, except minus the miscarriage. We were all smiles walking into the RE’s office that day and ready to hear the results of the tests. The RE confirmed what we already knew about me, my body didn’t like to ovulate, AT ALL. We also found out that none of my husband’s sperm could penetrate an egg. They were missing that key component, but were fine otherwise. She then presented us with our one option, IVF with ICSI. ICSI is where they would take my egg and insert a sperm and place the embryo inside of me. This was our only option…oh, and I almost forgot, the cost is $17,000 and our insurance wasn’t going to cover any of it. Needless to say, the smiles got wiped right off our faces.

Through fasting and prayer we’ve actually decided to head down the adoption route, but I’ll save that for a later post. I want to say thanks to all who have posted and written comments on this blog, you’re an amazing group of women! I’m so glad I stumbled on Megan’s blog and then onto this blog, I know God led me here!

*Regarding the Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE), if you haven’t gone to see one yet and you’re serious about figuring out what’s wrong and/or wondering what all your options are for getting pregnant, go see an RE. My husband and I had the same tests performed by my ob/gyn and the RE, and the RE’s results are much more direct. The ob/gyn told us my husband’s sperm weren’t that great. It took going to the RE to find out why. I’m off my soap box now…if anyone has any questions feel free to email me at lymeach at gmail dot com

1 comment:

  1. More about your HSG experience... Did they find anything significant? I'm assuming their main reason for having you do this was to see the shape of your uterus. . .

    I'm sorry IVF w/ ICSI is so expensive!! How frustrating! It's AMAZING they can do this though.

    Have they followed up on the cyst? Would that keep you from any 'success' on your own? This last ultrasound of mine before this miscarriage they found a cyst on one ovary... I know that shouldn't be a big deal, I mean - our ovaries are cyst factories! But she did say they'd want to follow up on it when she saw it. But then the doctor didn't say anything about if after looking at the u/s report - so I don't know. I've just forgotten about it.

    I would have never thought about further checking out the guy's side of all of this. I guess maybe it's worth a try? I just had a 'moment' yesterday trying to explain to my husband it feels like I am 'failing' him in the relationship to bring children into this world. Never would he ever agree with me or think so too, but i'm struggling with that thought still. I can be such a stubborn BRAT! Anyway - Thank you so much for this post. . . And the recommendation to seek out a RE, I would have never thought of it or tried to. Thank You! I would LOVE to hear how you came across my/this blog - I'm glad you found it! I hope others find it too.... there's no reason for anyone to feel like they're in this alone. Thanks for stepping up on the soap box :)
